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Friday, September 24, 2010

Things I Love This Week

FlyLady is an online nagger to get you to do housework. I get lazy and depressed sometimes, and this website takes things like dishes and laundry and vaccuming and bathrooms and all that and chops them into bite size chunks that are a little more palatable. I <3 how organised I get sometimes. Other times I'm just 'meh'.

It's SPRING!!!! I wanna get floral! (which is weird, because I've never been into floral prints, not since I was about 5) but I am loving Vivienne Westwoods 2010 Ready to Wear S/S collection:

Vogue I love the colour of these tights. The Stripy shorts, and the Showgirl Feather in the hair :)

Alexander McQueen has passed from this world, but his last collection shows what a genius he was. Look at that reptile print. Swoon.

Other Things That Have Me Revved Up:

Dress Rehersals for my Burlesque Debut on Sunday: Qsesh at Barsoma <3 Listening to Dean Martin Live in Las Vegas with my boyfriend <3 Skull Telephone <3 Getting the Internet connected <3 Photos from LA and Vegas from my Mum and Dad who justed moved stateside <3 Frank Frazetta Calendar <3 Having a clean kitchen <3 Giggling 3 year old <3 Having him say 'robots in disguise' every time he talks about Transformers, (which is alot) <3 Live Band, Mojito's and talking about the World Culture Revolution with someone I just met <3 Talking over the top of each other with my sister's <3 3 Cheese New York Pizza in the Valley 11pm on a Thursday night <3 Finding great blogs to follow <3 Watching the original Moulin Rouge movie, a bio on Henri Toulouse-Lautrec <3 Getting my corset, and teastaining it because it was the wrong colour. And the putting it on upside down at the dress rehearsal. DOH!! <3 Seeing Lola the Vamp perform at Ric's Bar with Viola Vixen and Amelie Lulu flitting around the room, and dancing in my heels to the house music with about 6 guys buying me and my sister drinks. And then leaving early :) <3 My blog <3 Job Interviews, I better get a job soon, damn it <3 Honey and Camomile Shower Gel <3 Eating Salads and drinking water <3 Magnum Caramel Ego - and then winning a freebie <3 Stretching and Practicing until Minnie the Moocher is stuck in my head all day <3 Loose Leaf Chai Tea with Scotch Fingers <3

Toulouse-Lautrec: Things aren’t always the way they seem.
Christian: Things are exactly the way they seem.
Toulouse-Lautrec: Christian, you may see me only as a drunken, vice-ridden gnome whose friends are just pimps and girls from the brothels. But I know what love is, only because I long for it with every fiber of my being. She loves you, I know it, I know she loves you.
-Moulin Rouge!

La Belle Dame sans Merci by John Waterhouse
O what can ail thee, knight at arms,
     Alone and palely loitering?
The sedge has wither'd from the lake,
     And no birds sing.

O What can ail thee, knight at arms,
     So haggard and so woe-begone?
The squirrel's granary is full,
     And the harvest's done.

I see a lily on thy brow
     With anguish moist and fever dew,
And on thy cheeks a fading rose
     Fast withereth too.

I met a lady in the meads,
     Full beautiful, a fairy's child;
Her hair was long, her foot was light,
     And her eyes were wild.

I made a garland for her head,
     And bracelets too, and fragrant zone;
She look'd at me as she did love,
     And made sweet moan.

I set her on my pacing steed,
     And nothing else saw all day long,
For sidelong would she bend, and sing
     A fairy's song.

She found me roots of relish sweet,
     And honey wild, and manna dew,
And sure in language strange she said—
     I love thee true.

She took me to her elfin grot,
     And there she wept, and sigh'd full sore,
And there I shut her wild wild eyes
     With kisses four.

And there she lulled me asleep,
     And there I dream'd—Ah! woe betide!
The latest dream I ever dream'd
     On the cold hill's side.

I saw pale kings, and princes too,
     Pale warriors, death pale were they all;
They cried—"La belle dame sans merci
     Hath thee in thrall!"

I saw their starv'd lips in the gloam
     With horrid warning gaped wide,
And I awoke and found me here
     On the cold hill's side.

And this is why I sojourn here,
     Alone and palely loitering,
Though the sedge is wither'd from the lake,
     And no birds sing.
La Belle Dame sans Merci

Thursday, September 23, 2010

'Siwa' Paper Hat

'siwa' hat collection by naoto fukasawa
(above) 'tyrolean hat'

Designer Naoto Fukasawa has created a series of hats that are made entirely out of traditional
japanese washi-paper. the three pieces entitled 'ivy cap', 'hat', and 'tyrolean hat', are constructed
from a new type of paper called 'naoron' developed by washi-paper manufacturer onao which
withstands both moisture and weight, resulting in a lightweight material that does not tear easily.

Resembling weathered leather in its crumpled texture, the colour and aesthetic treatment of the hats do not lend themselves out to being made solely out of paper. Though the material is soft and flexible, they are entirely durable and highly water-proof.


Stuff Noone Told Me About

This is true romance


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We were schooled to be Robots

“Very little of what is taught is learned, very little of what is learned is remembered, and very little of what is remembered is actually used,” as John Holt states in How Children Learn.
4 Reasons to Change the Way we think about School by Mary Hickcox

History shows that modern-day schooling started with the Industrial Revolution, but many still refuse to accept that the people who funded its inception did not have children’s education as their main priority. Men like Rockefeller and Carnegie wanted good obedient workers to take the jobs they needed filled. They didn’t want free-thinking students to reach their potential; they wanted a large dumbed-down class, just disciplined and smart enough to show up on time and work their factory jobs.
In a time when our economy desperately needs more innovators, how can we change education to expand the potential of each child? It seems we must do some things we did NOT learn in school: Question assumptions about education; think for and believe in ourselves; speak up against what we know is wrong; and challenge what we’ve been taught to believe is right.

Getting Back to Basics by Alfie Kohn

The first problem is that raising standards has come to mean little more than higher scores on poorly designed standardized tests. The more schools commit themselves to improving performance on these tests, the more meaningful opportunities to learn are sacrificed. Every hour spent drilling students to ace these exams is an hour not spent helping them become creative, critical, curious learners...
For us to question the reliance on lectures, work sheets, drills and memorization, we must confront the possibility that we spent a good chunk of our childhoods doing stuff that was exactly as pointless as we suspected it was at the time.
“The secret to American schooling is that it doesn’t teach the way children learn, nor is it supposed to. Schools were conceived to serve the economy and the social order rather than kids and their families….that is why it is compulsory.” - John Taylor Gatto, NY Teacher of the Year

“The education system was deliberately designed to produce mediocre intellects, to hamstring the inner life, to deny students appreciable leadership skills, and to ensure docile and incomplete citizens in order to render the populace ‘manageable.’” — Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, Sr. Policy Advisor for the US Dept. of Education

John Holt said it well: “To trust children we must first learn to trust ourselves … but most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted.”

So what is wrong with the idea of Child-Driven Education? 


We want to be wanted. We want to know who we are and be known. To feel the erasure of all our flaws and inconveniences as that insane rush of instinct blows away everything else and becomes lust. It’s a kind of messy recursion.
- Recursion by Remittance Girl, Short story for Sex Scene- An Anthology Downloadable for Free on LuLu

Dita in FHM

The Imagine Sunglasses from Modcloth. I want these for summer. $11.99 US

Le Love

Cyanide and Happiness


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What is this?

What is this desire to reinvent oneself? I do not dare to hope. Once I dreamed. Every flower like a rose in snow opening.


To live outside the thousand impositions, without inordinate fear, needless apology. Invent myself with Scratch.
Human Voices. They come, they die away. And this....
This luminous alphabet and how the syllables move round and soft, to coo and smooth. To safety. To dream.
Once I roamed an imaginative land. Joy punctuating the landscape, drenched in sunlight. Limitation, like death, incomprehensible. Heart beating wildly. won't-die, won't-die. The pure erotics of childhood. Of everything there is to say and everything there is to do and be. The potential!

Hugging every tree, twirling in the rain. Dancing freely with no constraints or embarrassment to a dizzy song in my head. Wandering free with a tendency to explore joy, pleasure, irreverence, kindness and empathy. The Irresistible Universe.


I flew with arms extended once. Sang with candlelight. Dug to earth. Adored the Green Rain Smell. In freedom I imagined being anything, going anywhere. Everything was possibility, All options and optimism.


And if teachers or other forces tried to quell my enthusiasm early on - well, they were easy enough to ignore. Didn't they always want to reduce a complicated and terrible and terribly beautiful universe? I did not notice.
Imagine the shock of puberty when imagination seemed to desert me? When everything I loved seemed taken away. Roamed freely and unencumbered, the voices out of nowhere started demanding in a kind of staggered unison and from every direction the same thing: Conform. Conform. CONFORM.


The message was death.
Abandon song, Conform.
Abandon irreverence, Conform.
Surrender you freedom and all you love, Conform.
Against your nature, against intuition... DO SOMETHING USEFUL.

How did I find myself suddenly estranged in a black sea with a black sky and a black wave ready to engulf me? At sea in an adulthood not of my own making? EXILED. I struggled, trapped under glass.
I was Glass, i felt my wings disintegrating as I pulled away from the pins.

Insects of Iowa

The cracks and stresses are showing, bulging & I always have been.
The Stress Of Wanting To Know What To Do!!!!
The burden of a self repressed talent, completely unrealised, utterly nebulous, just a pressing, nothing even close to words. Yet.
Leave all that behind. Discouragement from every side. Even before I had barely begun. Goodbye.
Who is that sniveling baby who feels so terribly sorry for herself? I'm walking slowly but undeniably further and further into my remoteness. Not so lonely there really. A terrible weight of conventions on me and the Arrogance of it's demands. Such a subtle method? Give up your life for mine, step into line, hand it over now, and go quietly. Who is that in the Mirror who asks for one hopeful thing and tries (its a little pitiful) to console myself, or erase myself.
What in the world is she wishing?

Alice in Dead Land



Love the corsetry and the red hair...

Insanitea on Deviantart

Zombie Apocalypse

Dad: Don't touch the guns Victoria, I keep them loaded in case the lake zombies figure out how to cross the road.

Crazy Things Parents Say 

 Hinstarsion on Deviantart


Art is made by the alone for the alone.
  • Luis Barragán, Time (12 May 1980) Originally in Cyril Connolly's "The Unquiet Grave" (1944), cited by Emilio Ambasz in "The Architecture of Luis Barragán" (1976).



Monday, September 20, 2010

Last Year...

A New Chapter

My sister and dad both have Alopecia, on graduating High School my sister decided to stop wearing her head scarves and be bald and beuatiful. I supported her by joining her (if only temporarily)

Flying Dreams


Right Now...

Matty Daley and Bobby Canciello, students @ The College of New Jersey, attempt to break the Guinness World Record for Longest Continuous Kiss, on the college campus. The currently stands @ 32 hours, 7 minutes, 14 seconds. Can they do it?

Matty and Bobby Kiss 

They are attempting to 'Queer the Guiness World Records' (some more) in campaign of student activism in support of LGBTQ equal rights.

Matty and Bobby will attempt to break the world record for longest recorded "Longest Continuous Kiss". The record is currently held in Germany as of Valentine's day 2009, by Nikola Matovic and Kristina Reinhart, and was last held in the United States in 2001. The record currently stands @ 32 hours 7 minutes and 14 seconds. The record has never before been held by a homosexual coupling. Matty and Bobby plan to be the first pair of men to change that.

 Photo taken from Pink News UK

Join Matty and Bobby during these days to support the uprising of the GLBTQ community, in an effort of student activism, and in support of equal rights for every individual regardless of sexual orientation or gender, with an event that is sure to show the American community, and the world, that a kiss between two men (and women) can be so simple.

After years of fighting bigotry and discrimination, it's time to put down our words and demonstrate otherwise. When there's nothing left to say, say it with a kiss.

Lately, it feels as though the LGBTQ community has come down to a breathy fight for equal rights to pass approval for gay marriage and to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". The media insists upon "outing" celebrities who wish to keep their private lives away from tabloid pages. Meanwhile, the promiscuous acts of gay celebrities are splashed across magazines and online "buzz" blogs. 
It's time to change that, with a kiss. What's more simple than a kiss? A kiss between two friends. Between two lovers. The kiss of a Mother or Father saying goodnight. The kisses we give as Hello or Goodbye. A kiss to say "I Love You" or "I Care". A kiss to wake the sleeping Prince or Princess when the apple is rotten. A kiss to turn the frog handsome and beautiful. A kiss we blow threw the air, hoping it is caught. Or a kiss we keep safe inside a piece of chocolate, so the butterflies in our stomachs can feel its joy too. 
Because a kiss is the loudest thing we can say with our lips, without ever having to say anything at all.

(taken direct from their website)

Sunday, September 19, 2010



Tattoo of the Week

Yes, I found it on Ugliest Tattoo's (which is hilarious), but I don't think this is an ugly tattoo. I think it's very pretty and whimsical and creepy at the same time. Meaning it's awesome in my book. :) Be true to yourself people!!! Just make sure you put thought and effort in so you dont end up with this:

Behind the Scenes Shoot - Gala Darling

Gala Darling

I do plan on a photoshoot with my sister soon. I'm thinking raw concrete, lush greens, rusty fences... Classic makeup, and glammed costuming. In the mean time, Go to Gala's blog. She is pretty much my favourite blogger and meeting her is on my bucket list.

Photo from Pro-Blogger article by Gala. 

Other great articles and posts by this lovely lady include:

100 Things to do when you are upset - The Sad Trombone list

How To Perform a Striptease

How Hirsute are You?

Fashion Help for Recovering Goths

Camping In Style

The best thing about Gala Darling is her positive outlook. And that is such a cliche thing to say, it's not even funny, but it is so true. Every week she has a 'Carousel' of links that are funny, interesting and sexy.

'Things I Love Thursday' is a weekly waterfall of gratitude, and this is something I will be trying to incorporate into this blog. Feel free to contribute your own list in the comments section. I can get very bogged down and negative by nature, so I really feel the difference when I am looking for things to be appreciative of, and it's something I think everybody needs to do.

The fact that she is so happy in herself to truly express her fashion aesthetic, while still encouraging you to find your own, is just astounding. And brave.

Since reading her blog, she has helped me make so many changes in my life and get out of a rut. Over and Over again. Not only in a Fashion point of view, but also in leaving a very damaging relationship. Her blog gives me Hope in a bigger, brighter future.

Gala Darling

Gala Darling grew up in New Zealand & moved to New York City in pursuit of all things wonderful. Her home is filled with sequins, bones, feathers & ornate wallpaper. She loves riding on her boyfriend’s vintage motorcycle, dancing & really high heels. Her website is a seamless & fabulous mix of fashion, lifestyle advice & tips on how to live magically.

"Gala Darling // Writer; international playgirl; intercontinental sweetheart.

My personal style is best described as or·chi·da·ceous.

Other people have described me as “a tattooed Miss Manners” (The Bargain Queen), a “downtown Carrie Bradshaw” (Elle) & a “New York City society gal” (Filament). I have been named as one of the 10 most influential style bloggers in the world (Fashionista). Rachel Zoe said I am “très chic”. Isn’t that nice?

I believe in making mischief & the triumph of magic over the brute. I believe in short skirts & lip gloss & bringing the radical self-love revolution. I believe life doesn’t have to be serious, that you create your own reality & that beauty is all around us."

Taken verbatim from About Gala page on her blog.